How to re-check for each URL route for authentication? Private Routing in React JS.

How to re-check for each URL route for authentication? Private Routing in React JS.

When I was building my application Grow Media, I was thinking about how private routing is done, while going to each component through their specified URL and having the authorized cookie in the browser it re-directs me to the Login page.

ehh, but whyyy? 🤔

It is because we are storing the authorized user ID in the Redux store and after a refresh or a direct link to other specified routes, it doesn't persist the authorized user ID.

So I created logic in App.tsx, because it renders at each URL request, as a parent component by React which then renders the component for specified routes.

1. Storing user ID in Redux.

const [callLazy,{data}]=useLazyQuery<verifyjwtFunc>(FROM_COOKIE);

  • useEffect will call callLazy ' a function name ', this will send a request to the server with the cookie, which in response gives the user ID as confirmed authorization.

  • after it got the user ID in the data, it dispatches the data to the redux store.

  • Now, we can access the user ID through COOKIE from REDUX.

2. Private Route

Now check if the redux store variable has a user ID or not. If it does then navigate to the child component which we routed for, if it doesn't then navigate to the login route.

const PrivateRoute = ({children, path }: {children: any, path: string}) => {
    const selector = useSelector(userLoginInfo);

    return selector ? (
        <Navigate to={'/login'} replace />
  • Now check for the user ID
  • using the Navigate for routing programmatically

3. Private Route the components

Covering the main component as a child component in the Private routing component as :

return (
                    <Route path = "/explore" element={<><PrivateRoute>< Explore /></PrivateRoute></>}/>
                    <Route path = "/home" element={<><PrivateRoute>< Home /></PrivateRoute></>}/>
  • Here the private route is returning the child component as < Explore /> and < Home />
  • Now we can check through this method for checking through cookies to provide the user ID after authorization.

giphy @mercadotecniaghia

Now you have made a perfect private routing system for each route or targetting a specified URL in the browser. 🤩

How to send cookies to clients while login, in through GraphQL?

You can check the article here.